Sunday, October 13, 2013

Natural And Organic Kidney Stones Treatment Solution

By Steve Zones

A kidney stone or a renal stone is a crystallized mass that is certainly caused by a excess of calcium in the urine. It may take many weeks and often very long time for a stone or mass to build. As the stones begin to take up size, they can become wedged in the urethra. Stones differ in dimensions and in many cases are so small that they pass unseen by the host. However, when they are much larger the flow of urine may become blocked and the pain can be agonizing. They increase the likelihood of urinary tract infections and kidney disease.


Certain disorders influence them, for instance gout, urinary tract infections and Cystinuria. Those with a family history of renal stones are more likely to get renal stones.

Indications and symptoms

Signs and symptoms vary dependant upon the person, size of the stone and pattern of their movement. The most widespread symptom is severe abdominal, groin, and back pain. However, chills, vomiting and nausea can be present if infection in the urinary tract is also present.

Renal Stones should not be taken lightly. Usually, the smaller stones pass and the obstruction of urine is released. Nevertheless, in other instances renal stones can impede waste from leaving the body in which particular case a dangerous environment can develop leading to bacteria traveling into your blood stream. If renal stones are in conjunction with ache and a fever this could be serious and medical kidney stones treatment is necessary.

Renal Stones Treatment At Home

Drinking plenty of water is regarded as the basic and valuable therapy. Water clears the body, helps to stop the accumulation of calcium, and assists the passage of the stones through and out the body.

Some vegetables have a superior content of oxalates, that assist to promote them. Therefore, if there is a household history of them, grapes, strawberries, chocolate, rhubarb, beets, coffee, cola, spinach simply to name some, needs to be eliminated from the diet. Furthermore, animal protein promotes uric acid in the body, which can lead to them. Surplus vitamin C can also lead to them and therefore should come from food sources rather than supplements.

Instead of causing them in the bladder, physical exercise helps the body absorb excess calcium into the bones where it is better utilized.

Quite often, kidney stones treatment are sufficient but if these suggestions are not successful or if they become severe and too big to pass, surgery might be necessary.

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Ways To Determine If Your Symptoms Are Kidney Stone Related

By Clarita Schuchmann

Since there are several types of kidney stones and they can be of any size, symptoms vary quite a bit from one person to the next. If the stones are small enough, they can pass through your body naturally, while bigger ones often need medical intervention of some kind. In order to help you recognize the symptoms of kidney stones, we'll be looking at some of the major ones in this article.

If you don't have any obvious symptoms of kidney stones, the only way to diagnose them may be certain medical tests. There are various tests, such as an analysis of urine, that can alert your doctor to the presence of kidney stones. Some people try to determine whether or not they have kidney stones by purchasing pH urine tests on their own, but this isn't always reliable, as various conditions can alter your pH. The most reliable way to know for sure if you have kidney stones is for your doctor to take a radiograph (x-ray) of the region. It's always best to have your condition diagnosed rather than making assumptions based on guesswork.

There are some specific types of kidney stones that are typically present during a kidney infection which can bring on symptoms like fever or chills. This usually occurs with Struvite stones, which are caused by bacteria. A common variety of stones in the kidney are typically calcium. If you have a urinary infection that leads to kidney stones, it's important to treat the infection, which is often done with antibiotics. Symptoms like nausea and fever can be easily treated by prescription or in many cases over the counter pain relievers. One symptoms of this sort of kidney stone can be fever and/or chills or both although many other types of kidney stones may not include this symptom.

Some kidney stone sufferers experience a dull, chronic pain in their lower back. Of course, this can be tricky to diagnose, as back pain is an extremely common symptom and doesn't necessarily mean kidney stones. While back pain is often connected with physical activity or muscle or joint problems, kidney stones are different. In these cases, the pain isn't connected to any muscular exertion and doesn't get better on its own. This is why it's a good idea to have persistent back pain checked out and not simply rely on pain medication to treat it yourself. If you also have other symptoms aside from back pain, such as being tired more than usual or other pain, this is all the more reason to be concerned.

If these symptoms persist or get worse, you should seek medical advice. Do not try to save money on medical procedures.

There are a wide variety of symptoms related to kidney stones which is no surprise since this is a common problem for some. Fortunately, in many cases you can treat kidney stones through diet, drinking lots of fluids and using natural remedies, but if you're experiencing severe pain of any kind you should seek medical help. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms above or are susceptible to kidney stones you should consider this information and seek medical attention to be sure.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Kidney Stones Treatment Options You Must Consider

Has the doctor told you that you are suffering from a 6 mm kidney stone? Don't fret too much because there are plenty of things you can do to dissolve and flush the stones other than drink lots of water.In this article, you will learn a kidney stone natural remedy that is specifically designed for the bigger kidney stones.

A 6 mm of Pure Calcium

I would have to speculate that your stone is composed primarily of calcium. About 9 out of 10 stones are made up of calcium. This is great news because calcium kidney stones are very simple to dissolve and pass.

Because calcium is a very fragile mineral, most stones dissolve is one day. A good rule of thumb would be that the bigger the stone, the longer it takes to flush out of your system. But this article will give you 5 tips that could help reduce the size of your stone and help you pass it in literally one day.

A Kidney Stone Natural Remedy That Works For the Big Stones!

Let's get started!

Kidney Stone Natural Remedy that Works for Bigger Stones

1. Drinking water is still essential no matter how big your stones are. Because this disease is caused by dehydration, you need to stay hydrated to cure it. You should aim for drinking at least 1 cup of water for every hour you are awake. This may seem like a lot but you should be drinking almost a gallon of water per day until your stone(s) pass.

2. Exercising is essential while you fight off the disease. Exercising shifts the stones in the kidneys and this will make it more likely for it to pass naturally. Start slowly and work yourself up to at least 1 hour each day. Exercise is also a great way to prevent this disease.

3. Fiber is your friend. The fiber label is advertised on almost all foods that contain fiber these days. But you should educate yourself on fiber. Fiber is best when it comes from water soluble foods like fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, you should get fiber from grains (breads, crackers, pastas) with a dietary fiber content of at least 3 grams per serving. Fiber has been shown to flush the kidneys, colon and liver.

Find Relief With Home Kidney Stone Treatment

4. Dissolving the stones is also important because it is what will allow your stones to eventually pass. Stones that are 4 mm are much more likely to pass than stones that are 6 mm. Therefore, dissolving your stones is extremely important to cure this disease.

Dissolving starts with the foods and beverages you drink. The 2 main acids that can dissolve the stones are ascorbic acid and phosphoric acid. You may be surprised that ascorbic acid is another name for vitamin C. You should supplement at least 2000 mg of this vitamin daily.

Phosphoric acid is the much more popular remedy because it specifically has been shown to dissolve calcium. You can find phosphoric acid everywhere from common beverages you drink everyday to clean supplies. Learn more about this remedy with our Kidney Stone Remedy Report.

5. Eliminating high sugar amounts is also important. High amounts of sugar is associated with this disease and you should know this while fighting it. Avoid fast foods, desserts, and sweets until you stones pass.

Your Kidney Stone's Best Overall Treatment

Pass Stones by Tomorrow

If you are serious about passing your stones, no matter the size, learn what 2 foods items you need to dissolve and flush your kidney stones. We will guarantee your cure or you don't have to pay a cent for this researched and doctor approved remedy report.

Satisfaction guaranteed! Researched! Natural! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing would like to help you pass your 6 mm kidney stone. Learn what 2 food items you need for this kidney stone remedy.
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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Find Relief With Home Kidney Stone Treatment

Home kidney stone treatment is available for anyone that needs relief from the pain and discomfort of kidney stones. Home treatment is meant for mild or moderate cases of stones. More severe cases should be discussed with a medical professional that can correctly diagnose and treat what causes them. These symptoms include:

intense pain in the lower abdomen and groin area

blood in the urine

frequent and urgent needs to urinate

nausea and vomiting

fever and/or chills

These symptoms can be signs of larger kidney stones that will not pass by themselves or infection that has developed as a result of the stones. If the condition is severe enough to cause these or more severe symptoms, this may not be the solution to your problem.

Home treatments can be as simple as drinking enough fluids to help the kidneys and bladder pass the stones. In some cases of prolonged dehydration, the stones developed due to the lack of fluid in the kidneys, allowing crystals to form and stick together.

Frequent stone sufferers should drink eight to ten glasses of water a day when trying to pass a stone and continue to do this to avoid getting more. This keeps the body hydrated and gives the kidneys enough fluid to flush themselves, passing the stones in the process. For people that are prone to developing stones, they should drink enough water a day to keep their urine clear.

This treatment should not be used by people with severe liver, heart or kidney disease without first consulting a doctor. People with these conditions do not need a large fluid intake and could aggravate their conditions, if they do not speak with a doctor first. Another form of home kidney stone treatment is to use a diuretic.

A popular diuretic that can be bought over the counter contains potassium citrate. Potassium citrate can actually help prevent the formation of stones by raising the citrate levels in urine. This keeps calcium oxalate crystals from forming. Calcium oxalate kidney stones are the most common type of stones found.

Home kidney stone treatment can also come in the form of over the counter pain medicine. This does not solve the problem, but can alleviate the pain associated with passing a stone. This medicine is only meant to be temporary.

Over the counter pain relief includes Ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, Advil, Acetaminophen and Aspirin. Another preventative measure to take against stone formation is a low protein diet. Well-balanced meals can help protect the individual for better over-all health and fitness.

Home kidney stone treatment can be a form of relief for the chronic sufferer or for the one that is going through the pain of passing a stone for the first time. These simple home remedies can help treat the stones that have already formed, or prevent the stones from forming in the first place.

A home treatment is a cost-effective way to prevent or help cure stones without the added expense of unnecessary doctors visits and expensive medicines.
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About This Blog

The treatment of kidney stones may vary depending on the size of the stones and condition of the patient. The treatment generally aims at relieving the patient of pain, passing kidney stones through urine or removing them surgically

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