Kidney Stones Treatment Options You Must Consider
Has the doctor told you that you are suffering from a 6 mm kidney stone? Don't fret too much because there are plenty of things you can do to dissolve and flush the stones other than drink lots of water.In this article, you will learn a kidney stone natural remedy that is specifically designed for the bigger kidney stones.
A 6 mm of Pure Calcium
I would have to speculate that your stone is composed primarily of calcium. About 9 out of 10 stones are made up of calcium. This is great news because calcium kidney stones are very simple to dissolve and pass.
Because calcium is a very fragile mineral, most stones dissolve is one day. A good rule of thumb would be that the bigger the stone, the longer it takes to flush out of your system. But this article will give you 5 tips that could help reduce the size of your stone and help you pass it in literally one day.
Let's get started!
Kidney Stone Natural Remedy that Works for Bigger Stones
1. Drinking water is still essential no matter how big your stones are. Because this disease is caused by dehydration, you need to stay hydrated to cure it. You should aim for drinking at least 1 cup of water for every hour you are awake. This may seem like a lot but you should be drinking almost a gallon of water per day until your stone(s) pass.
2. Exercising is essential while you fight off the disease. Exercising shifts the stones in the kidneys and this will make it more likely for it to pass naturally. Start slowly and work yourself up to at least 1 hour each day. Exercise is also a great way to prevent this disease.
3. Fiber is your friend. The fiber label is advertised on almost all foods that contain fiber these days. But you should educate yourself on fiber. Fiber is best when it comes from water soluble foods like fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, you should get fiber from grains (breads, crackers, pastas) with a dietary fiber content of at least 3 grams per serving. Fiber has been shown to flush the kidneys, colon and liver.
4. Dissolving the stones is also important because it is what will allow your stones to eventually pass. Stones that are 4 mm are much more likely to pass than stones that are 6 mm. Therefore, dissolving your stones is extremely important to cure this disease.
Dissolving starts with the foods and beverages you drink. The 2 main acids that can dissolve the stones are ascorbic acid and phosphoric acid. You may be surprised that ascorbic acid is another name for vitamin C. You should supplement at least 2000 mg of this vitamin daily.
Phosphoric acid is the much more popular remedy because it specifically has been shown to dissolve calcium. You can find phosphoric acid everywhere from common beverages you drink everyday to clean supplies. Learn more about this remedy with our Kidney Stone Remedy Report.
5. Eliminating high sugar amounts is also important. High amounts of sugar is associated with this disease and you should know this while fighting it. Avoid fast foods, desserts, and sweets until you stones pass.
Pass Stones by Tomorrow
If you are serious about passing your stones, no matter the size, learn what 2 foods items you need to dissolve and flush your kidney stones. We will guarantee your cure or you don't have to pay a cent for this researched and doctor approved remedy report.
Satisfaction guaranteed! Researched! Natural! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing would like to help you pass your 6 mm kidney stone. Learn what 2 food items you need for this kidney stone remedy.
A 6 mm of Pure Calcium
I would have to speculate that your stone is composed primarily of calcium. About 9 out of 10 stones are made up of calcium. This is great news because calcium kidney stones are very simple to dissolve and pass.
Because calcium is a very fragile mineral, most stones dissolve is one day. A good rule of thumb would be that the bigger the stone, the longer it takes to flush out of your system. But this article will give you 5 tips that could help reduce the size of your stone and help you pass it in literally one day.
A Kidney Stone Natural Remedy That Works For the Big Stones!
Let's get started!
Kidney Stone Natural Remedy that Works for Bigger Stones
1. Drinking water is still essential no matter how big your stones are. Because this disease is caused by dehydration, you need to stay hydrated to cure it. You should aim for drinking at least 1 cup of water for every hour you are awake. This may seem like a lot but you should be drinking almost a gallon of water per day until your stone(s) pass.
2. Exercising is essential while you fight off the disease. Exercising shifts the stones in the kidneys and this will make it more likely for it to pass naturally. Start slowly and work yourself up to at least 1 hour each day. Exercise is also a great way to prevent this disease.
3. Fiber is your friend. The fiber label is advertised on almost all foods that contain fiber these days. But you should educate yourself on fiber. Fiber is best when it comes from water soluble foods like fruits and vegetables. Otherwise, you should get fiber from grains (breads, crackers, pastas) with a dietary fiber content of at least 3 grams per serving. Fiber has been shown to flush the kidneys, colon and liver.
Find Relief With Home Kidney Stone Treatment
4. Dissolving the stones is also important because it is what will allow your stones to eventually pass. Stones that are 4 mm are much more likely to pass than stones that are 6 mm. Therefore, dissolving your stones is extremely important to cure this disease.
Dissolving starts with the foods and beverages you drink. The 2 main acids that can dissolve the stones are ascorbic acid and phosphoric acid. You may be surprised that ascorbic acid is another name for vitamin C. You should supplement at least 2000 mg of this vitamin daily.
Phosphoric acid is the much more popular remedy because it specifically has been shown to dissolve calcium. You can find phosphoric acid everywhere from common beverages you drink everyday to clean supplies. Learn more about this remedy with our Kidney Stone Remedy Report.
5. Eliminating high sugar amounts is also important. High amounts of sugar is associated with this disease and you should know this while fighting it. Avoid fast foods, desserts, and sweets until you stones pass.
Your Kidney Stone's Best Overall Treatment
Pass Stones by Tomorrow
If you are serious about passing your stones, no matter the size, learn what 2 foods items you need to dissolve and flush your kidney stones. We will guarantee your cure or you don't have to pay a cent for this researched and doctor approved remedy report.
Satisfaction guaranteed! Researched! Natural! Joe Barton and Barton Publishing would like to help you pass your 6 mm kidney stone. Learn what 2 food items you need for this kidney stone remedy.